About me

Helping you feel better about your body and your life

If there is such a thing as a ‘pain and well-being geek’ – that’s me!

I find pain fascinating and enthusiastically read pain research, patient stories and well-being literature to provide my patients with the best advice available. I apply the latest understanding of pain to your situation. There is no one size fits all approach. My treatment approach appreciates the whole person – the uniqueness of every patient and their life story.

Supporting people

I love my work – its a great privilege to meet with so many different people and share a little in their life journey.

I’m Deborah and I’ve worked as an osteopath since 2002 in several different clinics. I use a biopsychosocial approach– this means not simply looking for physical causes for pain but considering the whole person including mental and social well-being. As a result, we may discuss sleep, exercise, diet, mental health, relationships, work, spiritual concerns, as guided by you, to find the strategies that will help you. My osteopathic knowledge and skills enable me to help you understand your pain and provide hands-on treatment, exercise, movement and general well-being coaching tailored to achieving your goals.

Pain Puzzle is an opportunity to provide pain solutions to people who are in despair with chronic or persistent pain. Persistent pain is an increasing problem in society today. I believe people must be provided with the best we can offer based on current research and understanding. Supportive care and solutions are essential to help people in pain return to living a better life with meaning and purpose.

Beyond the clinic..

Three days a week I work in GP surgeries in Essex as a First Contact Practitioner. This is a new role in the NHS. Patients can book directly with an FCP to assess muscle and joint problems and receive assessment, advice or referral for tests or specialist help.

I have a few other responsibilities in the osteopathic world – I run a business called Mint Practice which provides compliance advice and clinic leaflets to osteopaths, I’m a trustee of the General Osteopathic Council which is the regulator for osteopaths, and I help run the local networking group for Osteopaths in Bedfordshire.

You could say I’m a committed osteopath!

In my spare time you will most often find me at church – listening, chatting, singing, teaching children or playing the piano, or otherwise running, swinging a kettle bell or visiting family and friends. Being a committed Christian affects every aspect of my life including how I run the clinic and treat my patients with honesty, kindness and integrity. Combining my two greatest passions I’ve recently had a Christian booklet published ‘Help I’m in Pain’.

Deborah Smith


Work with Deborah

Let me help you find what your unique self needs to stop fighting pain and start living life again