This advice is for new injuries only. It is not a substitute for the advice of a medical professional.
If you have injured yourself in the last 72 hours you should:
Keep moving
Put ice on the injury for 10 minutes at a time
Don’t panic
Bed rest is not recommended
If you are worried there may be something more serious underlying your pain, these are some rare symptoms but can be warning signs – if you have any of these, you should see a doctor:
Fever and feeling unwell
If your injury was traumatic and you could have a fracture e.g. a fall or RTA
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Difficulty passing urine
Numbness or tingling in your genitals or buttock area
Impaired sexual function
Loss of power in your legs
Excessive, unusual sweating during the night
Watch this short video for advice on what to do if you have acute pain.
You can find out a lot more about back pain on the resources page.