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Pain Puzzle Osteopathy

Home visits for pain problems and improving well-being

Currently not accepting new patients.

Pain solutions

Are you in pain? 10 million people in England are affected by muscle, joint and bone pain? Osteoarthritis, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain – they are all common.

If you want to understand your pain – what’s wrong and why and you want to return to sitting comfortably, gardening, sport, feeling flexible again – you are like many of the people helped by assessment and treatment from Deborah.


Deborah’s osteopathic care for people in pain involves learning from you about your pain problem – together we make sense of why you are in pain and what you can do to help yourself. You may benefit from hands on treatment to reduce sensitivity, exercise to improve strength and flexibility, reducing stress, improving sleep, or improving general well-being – depending on what your puzzle involves.

Why don’t you make an appointment and I can help you find the solutions and relief you are searching for.

Promoting well-being

Maybe you want support and advice about exercise- someone to show you what to do or perhaps you are wondering how to start improving your well-being. Being well involves the whole person – physical, mental and spiritual. It’s well recognised that sleep, stress, diet, exercise, mental health, loneliness are all areas where small changes can make a significant improvement in your health. For this reason, pain puzzle offers personalised advice, support, and encouragement to help you to improve your well-being.

Is it time for you to take action and start your journey to improved well-being, book an appointment today.

  • "Last evening all my muscles were really cross but it felt like a “responding to a good talking to” sort of cross!  This morning I have tried out the suggestion of walking down the top stairs putting both feet on each step and just doing the last two “normally”- and it worked!  The next time I did FOUR steps normally, and I have just walked down ALL the way, and ours are quite steep - all normally!!  I’m sure it’s the “psychology” - when I was trying to do the first one or two normally I reckon my brain was saying “a lot of stairs to go yet, and it hurts already, how can I do this” but slowly doing the first part, without hurting much and then thinking “nearly there, I can do this” and of course it feels “safer” nearer the bottom and hey ho I’ve done it!!  I love your way of helping me to come up with do-able solutions! "
    Marion Kingham
  • “I have been treated by Deborah for many years for different issues and I must say that she is an exceptional Osteopath. I was quite nervous when I first started treatment and Deborah put me at ease immediately and made me feel so relaxed and reassured. She has been so good at treating the pains in my neck, shoulder, and back and has always been particularly comforting and calm at all times. Her method is highly effective and I fully recommend her.”
    Marianne Hearder
  • "Deborah is an incredibly skilled osteopath who has treated my husband for a couple of back and shoulder conditions. Plus she has carried out cranial osteopathy on two of my children with amazing results. She transformed two very unsettled babies who cried a lot, into much more settled contended ones! She comes highly recommended from the Pearce family!"
    Amanda Pearce
  • I have been treated by Deborah for back and neck pain for several years. She is excellent at what she does, and extremely knowledgeable on all aspects of the body. She has also treated me for the pain and symptoms that come from the Pelvic Girdle Pain/SPD that I have experienced with both of my pregnancies. She is very honest when providing treatment and only sees you when you need it- I had worried that by trying a treatment that I paid for, I would end up going on a regular basis, but Deborah only suggests you come when she believes you still need it. After she has treated you to her (and your) satisfaction, the rest is up to you, and she encourages you with ways to help yourself. So glad I decided to try osteopathy and found Deborah, muscle pain no longer worries me, I just book an appointment with Deborah knowing she'll fix me in no time!.
    Naomi Kerley
  • Just wanted to thank you for your advice today. As a result I rang my GP for an emergency appointment on the advice of my Osteopath. Saw my GP this evening, had an US exam which was negative re DVT, but was given antibiotic for “ possible “ early stages of cellulitis to start if felt necessary. So..... great attention from morning till evening....thank you all Health Professionals.

Pain Puzzle Solutions

Start taking care of yourself today - Currently not accepting new patients.



Face to face or virtual appointment
Full case history
Health and Wellbeing Assessment
Examination & Diagnosis
Treatment plan
Self-help support



Face to face or virtual appointment
Self-help support
Goal setting